On The Job Training - Certified Nurse Assistant Class

Petersburg, AK 99833

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Position Description

PMC Mission and Values
Our Mission is excellence in healthcare services and the promotion of wellness in our community.
Our Guiding Values are Integrity, Dignity, Professionalism, Quality, and Teamwork.

On the job training is available at Petersburg Medical Center. We are now hiring highly motivated individuals who are interested in a career as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). CNAs provide care to patients and LTC residents under the supervision of a nurse. Pay starts at $17.25 per hour (you will be paid during the training) and increases to $20.00 per hour once you successfully complete the state certification exam. A career at Petersburg Medical Center opens up many opportunities for growth in the healthcare field. Next available training will begin in October.

Must be able to pass -- a State of Alaska Background Check and drug screen (including Marijuana).

For more information about the course, contact Traci Vinson (772-5740) or at tvinson@pmc-health.org.
Applications may be completed online at www.pmcak.org, click on CAREERS AT PMC, or pick up at the business office. Contact Cindy Newman (772-5719) or at cnewman@pmc-health.org for employment requirements and benefit information.

Type: Full-time
Expires: 03/31/2025